Couplamatic Bio
The Couplamatic Trademark has been owned by four different companies. The original owner was Marks Morrison. Mr. Morrison was a B29 pilot during WWII who had an engineering degree from Colorado University.
In 1952 Morrison started an International Harvester Dealership with a partner, William Skinner. The Partnership was dissolved on December 31st, 1954.
Mr. Morrison became a very diverse and wealthy businessman in Lyman, NE. He owned the Farmers State Bank as well as many other businesses during the 1960’s and 1970’s.
Listed Below are a few of the highlights regarding Couplamatic’s history.
1958. Morrison first started manufacturing Couplamatic swage fittings and hose machines.
1959. Patent #3048212 was filed for a swage machine.
1963. Morrison created a second company OEM Supplies INC. Aka House of Hose.
Couplamatic became the largest manufacturer of hose swagers in the world during the early 1960’s. The growth of the sales came from promoting hose swagers to farm equipment dealers all over the USA.
1967. The Couplamatic Company was sold to the Samuel Moore Company, the owner of Synflex. Marks Morrison kept the rights to his “House of Hose” company and began business in the old Great Western Sugar Company building.
1972. OEM Suppliers Inc, Aka House of Hose had a name change. Marks Morrison dropped the OEM Suppliers name and just referred to the company as House of Hose.
1978. The Samuel Moore Company sold Couplamatic to the Eaton company.
1984. Eaton Corporation announces closure of the Lyman, NE Couplamatic facility. Kurt Manufacturing purchases the building and assets for $1.5 million but does not receive the rights to the Couplamatic trademark. Kurt eventually creates Ditto Products to market hose and fittings.
“House of Hose” a Marks Morrison original company continues in the hose and fittings business. Family members run the business and eventually become known as Couplamatic Systems after the acquire the trademark rights from Eaton Corporation.
Couplamatic Established in 1959 only belongs to Couplamatic Systems. Not Kurt Hydraulics.