Kurt Bio

 1974 Kurt Manufacturing registers as a Minnesota business in 1974. They have no affiliation with hose and fittings.

1984 Eaton Corporation which owns Couplamatic of Lymans Nebraska announces in January that they plan to close the business.

Kurt Manufacturing agrees to purchase the assets of Couplamatic in August. Kurt does not receive the rights to the Couplamatic Trademark.

1992 Kurt Manufacturing registers Ditto Products with the US patent and trademark office.

1993 Ditto Products us a division of Kurt Manufacturing. Ditto begins attending trade shows focusing on the agricultural market. Products promoted are swage machines similar to Couplamatic and House of Hose.

Ditto also creates a newspaper style catalog which is mailed to implement dealers, end users and hose distributors across the USA.

1998 Kurt Hydraulics becomes a registered Nebraska business. The Kurt Manufacturing name is no longer used for hose and fittings. Ditto products begin to fade away.

Editor’s Note:

Kurt Hydraulics websites and literature often promotes their connection to Couplamatic established in 1959.

This is not a Legitimate claim in our opinion. Couplamatic was started by Marks Morrison in 1959. He continued in business under the name House of Hose during the 1960s 70s and 80s. Morrison family members now operate House of Hose under the name of Couplamatic Systems.

Kurt never acquired the Couplamatic name. They only acquired the assets of the company in 1984. Kurt’s hose coupling beginnings begin at that point. They have no connection to Couplamatic, Samuel Moore Company, or Eaton Corporation. All of which are prior owners of the Couplamatic trade name.